Saturday, August 08, 2009


A strange thing appears to have happened to one of my Blyton Belle marrows. It's early days yet but the little fruitlets all appear to be bright yellow. They're only thumbnail size so far so it will be interesting to see if they retain the colour as they grow....indeed if they grow!

Now I know the raiser Les Stothard says this marrow has a tendency to throw up different sports, and indeed I'm also growing another one Blyton Motley which is a paler version of Belle.......but YELLOW?

I think I ought to start thinking of names for my new marrow named of course in my honour. Blyton Smithyveg perhaps? Blyton Parsnip King? Blyton Swine Flu Survivor? Blyton Scouseshite? But before any of my Scottish friends make the suggestion Blyton Arrogant English Bastard will be a complete non-starter ok!


  1. Mine are also showing yellow marrows, I prosumed they were just marrows that did not get pollinated and they fell off. Had some cracking marrows this year, I just hope I have them on show day.

  2. Kev BroxholmeAugust 09, 2009

    As the lord god once said "All things Blyton beautiful"

  3. I know what you mean Liam.....but as you can now see from the photo the little fruitlets look healthy enough. It will be interesting to see if they grow to full size and stay bright yellow.

  4. Gee yeah, they are looking like pollinated marrows, not like mine for sure. Thats the problem with marrows, once cross pollinated you could end up with anything which is always fun.

    Some of my plants turned bush and are producing massive marrows, seed from you.. any ideas what they are? they look exactly like Motley, colour etc. Quickest growing marrow I have ever seen, from small bud to 3foot in just over 2 weeks.

    My white belle has only produce two fruit so far and seems a very slow producer, but a lovely white marrow with green specks.

  5. A white marrow? Wow.....this Blyton strain is proving most interesting.

    I also have some Blyton Belle plants that are bushy rather than trailing....all grown from the same batch of seed!

    Blyton Motely looks very similar to Blyton Belle as far as I can tell, just slightly paler. But I know you and James have some really pallid looking specimens. Looks like the seed isn't coming true 100%.

  6. Yeah I got the white strain from Medwyn, it produces white and green marrows from what I can see but is not vigorous enough. I reckon you would need at least 10 plants to get a set.

    Just checked my marrows again tonight and picked a realy nice one. I also have yellow marrows that have set and I removed 3 of them that were 5 inches long as the slugs had ate them, yet no green ones were touched.

    I have 3 white marrows on one plant and 2 green ones, strange.

  7. Ive been after a stock of Blyton Belle for a while after loosing my stock when I was very Ill and had to have a tongue reduction operation loosing two thirds of my tongue and was wandering if you would be willing to sell me some seed from your stock or maybe we could do a swap as I have a great stock of both Potato Varieties AMOUR and SHERINE which you may like to try.the potatoes are of the highest quality and have been shown at the highest level including the welsh championships and potato championships of GB.
    my address is 2 heather close,Newtown,powys,sy16 2tf.
    let me know if you are able to help as it would be very much appreciated. regards WILL.
