Friday, January 09, 2009

Pests and diseases of vegetables

Had a talk at our Hort Soc last night on the above subject from Dave Thornton, General Secretary of the NVS. I made a note of some quite interesting points so here they are in no particular order whatsoever!

  • If your spuds are suffering from potato leaf roll virus (which is becoming more of a problem apparently) dig up the affected plants and tuber immediately and dispose of.
  • Sterilise water butts as they harbour all sorts of nasties, particularly in warm weather. Use a dash of Jeyes Fluid, Armillatox or cheap bleach which is just as good.
  • If saving your own seed sterilise it with a powdered fungicide.
  • Fungicides containing Pencanazole are a good general fungicide, which works on leek rust also.
  • Dip brassica roots in a hydrated lime solution prior to planting to ward off clubroot.
  • Perlka is another product for the control of clubroot.
  • Leek and onion thrips are totally different to flower thrips. An insecticide from the garden centre advertising that it kills thrips will probably be the wrong sort therefore. Use a product called Dynamec and apply with a high pressure spray jet.
  • Blight.....forget Dithane as most blights are immune to it. Bordeaux Mixture is about the best product available to the amateur grower.
  • Do not use Growmore for potatoes as it is often bulked out with lime.
  • Vitax Q4 is the best feed for spuds.
  • Most of the above mentioned products are not on general sale. Seek out agricultural suppliers such as CWG in Melton Mowbray.

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