Friday, January 02, 2009

Happy New Year ! (?) !

This promises to be a 'big' year for everyone for a number of reasons, most notably due to the credit crunch which has the potential to affect all of our lives for many years to come. I've had first hand experience of it at work where a large customer 'pulled the plug' on a series of orders leaving us no alternative but to make redundancies. With a bit of luck that idiot Brown will be ousted from number 10 this year and we can all start the road to recovery.

On a better note, the weather forecasters are predicting one of the best years on record. However, the day I start believing weather forecasters will be the day I drive to work naked wearing an ear muff made from turds.

As ever I have made my perennial New Year resolution to be on top of my game preparation wise by making sure all my mixes are ready, equipment is well maintained and ready to hand, and that I will grow all of my veg to perfection, free of any pest or disease. Experience tells me that one thing or another WILL go wrong, be it blight, carrot fly, white rot, wind damage or incompetence.

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