Sunday, November 16, 2008

Not much happening in the garden..... I've been catching up on some walking. Last weekend a gang of us spent the weekend in the Lakes. After nailing Coniston Old Man on Saturday we spent a most convivial evening throwing several pints of Snecklifter down our throats. My apologies must go to the person who had to enter our dormitory at Keswick YHA after we had vacated it as the stench of stale farts was quite terrible.
We had then intended to get up Great Gable (see pic) in time for the annual Remembrance service at 11am but alas none of us are as fit as we once were and we were about 30 minutes too late. As my mate decided there was no way he was getting his very expensive camera out in driving rain and sleet you'll just have to take my word for it that we actually summited.
Yesterday I took part in the annual Seagrave Wolds Challenge, a 16 mile walk around Leicestershire's rolling countryside to raise funds for Seagrave village hall. This is a superbly well organised event (as is everything Seagrave decides to do) and is worth doing purely for all the free cake on offer at each pitstop. I completed the 16 or so miles in 5 hrs 37 minutes. If any of you fancy entering next year there's a website......


  1. You can't beat the Lakes.
    Last week I did a monster walk in the Langdales.
    Pike o' blisco, Crinkle Crags, Bow Fell, Esk Pike, Pike o' Stickle then back down in the dark (well dodgy),8hrs in total,knackered !!
    Me and my mate couldn't walk for 2 days afterwards.
    Well worth it though.

  2. Crikey o'reilly....that WAS a mega walk.....lots of ups and downs there! We did the Langdales in June and got lost in mist....we managed to navigate to High Raise but then went round in circles for an hour trying to find our way down. It got a bit worrying for a while but we remained calm and somehow stumbled upon the correct descent path.

    You certainly cannot beat the Lakes for beauty and ruggedness at the same time. I've told my wife I want to retire there!
