Saturday, October 11, 2008

Transportation of produce

One of the things I've promised to get sorted before next season is to make some wooden boxes to transport my veg, especially my onions, tomatoes and long roots. At the moment I ferry my onions around in a large trug with foam packing wedged between each onion but this is far from ideal and allows them to move around too easily, potentially causing bruising (especially if you drive like I do!). Also, as my onions get heavier I feared that the handle may one day fail and the whole lot crash to the floor just as I was carrying them to the benches!
My long carrots and parsnips are simply wrapped in towels and then laid on the back seat of my car, often with other heavy veg such as cabbages placed on top of them! I will try and make some long boxes to ensure they get to the show in tip top condition.
My tomatoes generally get placed in plastic seed trays, the ones with individual compartments for square pots, each wrapped in a section of kitchen towel. Again, this has potential for disaster if something falls on them during transit so I will make wooden carry cases with compartments and a low lid so that they can't bounce out.
The advantage of wooden boxes is that they can be stacked in my boot and other produce packed around them without fear of damage to either.

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