Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Shallot dilemma

Well that’s thrown a spanner in the works! I won both shallot classes (exhibition and pickling) at Sturton unexpectedly. I say unexpectedly because as you’re running around concentrating and staging your exhibits you’re only half aware of the quality of the opposition, and I was half aware that there were some big looking shallots up against me so assumed I had no chance. It was only upon my return to the show after judging and I had the pleasing spectacle of 1st and 2nd prize cards in both classes that I realised mine were more uniform and in better condition than those of my competitors. These really were bonus wins and helped me to most points in show again.

However, my dilemma was that I was going to pickle all shallots after my last show and start again next year with fresh stock, as I didn’t consider their size good enough for competing at a higher level. They do seem to have ripened nicely as the weeks have progressed and I find it quite easy to pick a matching set…’s just they aint very big! I think I’ll keep a couple of handfuls back for the pickling classes and grow them well away from my new stock….there….decision made!

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