Sunday, October 05, 2008

70 and out

My winning entry in the one flower/one veg class (Kenora Sunset dahlia and Pinnacle parsnip) at Sturton was my 70th red card of the season which is a personal best (previous PB was 69 in 2005) . It's been a heck of a season and certainly my best in terms of the quality I've exhibited, particularly in parsnips, stumps and tomatoes.
Normally I'm quite sad at this time of the season as the showing year fades out but I'm now feeling quite hopeful of making the step up to a better level next season by competing at Malvern in the NVS Midland Championships. I will be lucky to win a card there and I'm sure I will have to take disappointment in my stride, but I'm sure that chatting to some of the 'big boys'can only help me make further improvements.

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