Monday, September 08, 2008

Shame on you!

Most of us who enter flower and veg shows do so to try and see how good we can get, trying to improve things year on year. We accept judges’ decisions with good grace and congratulate our rivals when they do better than us whilst secretly plotting to beat them next time round. I enjoy the light hearted banter between competitors and the after show auctions are also an enjoyable part of the experience.

However, every now and then you come up against a character who you wouldn’t piss on if he was on fire! One particular chap who has a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp that’s covered in dogshit really annoys me each year by buying all the best veg and then entering it into another show the next day in his own name. Everyone knows he does it. Luckily for him it’s not a show I enter but one year I’m going to seek him out and call him a cheating bastard to his face for entering my veg under his name. What satisfaction can it possibly give him to know he’s beaten someone who’s toiled all season doing things the proper way and might only enter that one show but gets beaten into 2nd place and denied by someone who cannot grow decent veg to save his life?

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