Sunday, September 28, 2008

Malvern best in show

For several years I've been going to Malvern and marvelling at the exhibits and thinking I'll never be able to compete with the big boys. However, after yesterday I think I may be able to. The winning parsnips of Trevor Last were also named best exhibit in show (NVS Midland Championships) and quite honestly I think my Leicester parsnips were better.....not as big around the shoulder but certainly cleaner. So, next year I've making the commitment here and now to have a go !
Having said I wouldn't have given them 'best in show'. In my humble opinion the runner beans and potatoes staged by Sherie Plumb were incredible. She won every single class going for spuds not only in the NVS Midland Championships but also in the Malvern Championships also. Her Winston spuds looked like pieces of in next posting.

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