Friday, August 22, 2008

Further to my post last year (29/07/07) a few more of my thoughts on brits abroad (and foreigners)

1) To the short fat bald bloke in front of me as we were boarding at Gatwick… need to write your biography mate……the tattoo on the back of your head bearing the legend ‘100% West Ham’ told me everything I needed to know about you.

2) Greek churches are beautiful. They are building them all the while and they are a work of art. Santorini is a tiny island but it has hundreds. But I wonder if I could just run this little gem of an idea past the Greek people. I hope it isn’t too outrageous or radical for you but here goes. Before you are allowed to build another church how about you finish the roads, pavements and f***ing plumbing? Wiping your arse and then putting the paper in a bin next to the loo isn’t normal ok!

3) At what point did the Italians silently overtake the Germans as the most arrogant and ignorant race of complete and utter w*nkers on Earth?

4) Women (predominantly British) with tattoos on their tits……..very classy that…….well done.

5) Londoners and Brummies……..morons!

(This is a free service I provide you know!)

Right……back to the serious business of veg growing………


  1. Welcombe back it's been quite without you

  2. welcome back indeed.
    show season is underway. looking forward to renewing our dahlia exhibiting rivalry.
    by the way can you have a word with sir alex and plead with him to let frazer campbell return to hull

  3. Well my dahlias are very slow this year (again) so it'll be Seagrave before I'm able to compete with you on that Kevin.

    And as soon as Tevez returns from a family bereavement in Argentina, Rooney returns to form and Ronaldo stops being a gay ponce......then yes you can have Campbell back.Bet you'd never see the day when Hull would be above Man U eh? LOL

  4. I ate a hard boiled egg curry in Greece once and it took Dynorod 3 weeks to clear the resulting blockage.!!

  5. Thanks for that....such graphic detail!

