Saturday, July 26, 2008

Found this on t'interweb......very good!

How many times have you been to a Flower Show and said to yourself, “I’ve got as good (or better) growing in my garden!” Have you ever considered showing, but felt slightly intimidated by the exhibits on show? Does the name Horticultural Society frighten you? Fear not, look no further – we have a 10 point plan for you to blow away the mystique!

Read the Schedule – carefully!! Know what is being asked for in the relevant classes which interest you.

Note dates & times – for receipt of entries, staging exhibits, times of judging, Show opening & closing for uplifting exhibits.

Consider your entries – complete the entry form with care.

Avoid making too many entries – (tell me about it!) Enter items you are reasonably sure you can stage well; trying too much can be stressful.

Prizes are not everything – there is more honour in exhibiting well in a strongly contested class without winning a prize than getting a ticket where there is little or no competition. There is however also good educational value of a high standard exhibit in a poorly contested class. (It’s not your fault if there are few entries)

Encourage others – you might know someone who is a successful grower of flowers or vegetables, an excellent baker or photographer or have children who could enjoy the involvement. Persuade them to ‘have a go’.

Allow ample time for staging – avoid a last minute rush, when mistakes can be made. Show Stewards are always available to help you, just ask.

Pay attention to detail – label entries if possible, make sure entry cards are in position correctly at your exhibits and are the right class. Note numbers of specimens required and pay attention to uniformity in exhibits.

Be a sporting exhibitor – the judges decision, whatever it may be, should be accepted with good grace. Seek out answers to why your exhibit didn’t win, calmly & patiently. The Show convener will always help you here. Do this & you will achieve better results another time.

Enjoy – take pride and pleasure in your exhibits - Show what you grow, share what you know! I

Come on & have a go – we know you’re good enough.


  1. I had a go Thanks for the advice.

  2. Glad I was able to help in some way. Please let me know how you got on.


  3. Did well 5 Firsts Carrots,Beetroot,Runner Beans, Broad Beans and Top Tray with Carrots,Runner Beans and Potatoes 2 seconds with Onions under 8oz and over 8oz. Well pleased 4 a first attempt

  4. Excellent news......whereabouts in the country are you showing?

    Did you take any pics?


  5. Hi I live near Windermere South Lakeland in Cumbria. Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures but trust me I think they were brilliant. If you click on my name it will take you to my blog if you are interested i can put a link on my blog to yours
    Congratulation on your success recently are you going to show Nationally next year
