Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Celery update

I'm quite pleased with the way my celery is growing so far in a raised bed that I'd slapped plenty of well rotted horse muck into. One problem I'm having to watch carefully are little maggots that burrow into the foliage and can cause devastation. It gives the leaflets the appearance of having large blisters if unchecked and looks very unsightly so I'm regularly inspecting and 'popping' the little maggot before they spread too far. Before exhibiting celery any individual leaflets showing pest damage can be carefully snapped off without spoiling the appearance.

Celery is a bog plant so must not be allowed to dry out. Indeed I regularly drench the bed with a bucket of water. This also means the slug pellets have to be re-applied as they will get washed away by the drenching.

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