Monday, June 09, 2008

Organic schmanic Janet

On Saturday our Hort.Soc. visited Ryton organic gardens ( and yes I did manage to get in without setting all the alarms off!) and I was prepared to suspend my beliefs in readiness to be converted to the lettuce munchers’ way of life. It is my happy duty to report that growing organically is a complete crock of cobblers. Not one of their lettuce or brassicas had escaped the ravages of Mssrs. Slug and Snail despite the application of enough bran to keep Kellogs going for a week. Their apples, plums and pears all looked very poorly and the soil looked in very poor heart. All in all we skipped out of there at 3pm satisfied that they have always been talking complete bollocks and couldn’t wait to get home and zap some bugs with a lethal spraygun.

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