Sunday, May 04, 2008

Long carrots re-sown

Due to the sparse and sporadic germination of my long carrots I bit the bullet yesterday and re-sowed the whole damn lot. Several stations hadn't come through at all and those that had looked very weak and uninspiring. I think the batch of seed (from a friend) may have been a bit iffy even though he has won awards at National level, or else the cold nights just after sowing 3 weeks ago caused the majority of the seed to fail. Whatever, it's done now but I have lost 3 weeks growing time from the season. Hopefully, the fresh batch of seed will germinate very quickly and make up for any lost ground.

Everything else is pretty much as it should be. I planted my red and green cabbages (Maestro & Globemaster) outside yesterday as well as a couple of brussel sprout plants (Abacus). I potted on a dozen celery plants (Morning Star) as they had outgrown their small cell trays and these won't get planted out until the end of May.

Today I planted my first 7 tomato plants (Cederico) in the greenhouse border, and sowed the first batch of runner beans (Enorma).

Tomorrow I'll plant another 18 bags of potatoes (Nadine) and try and get another 50 or so stations of stump rooted carrots in. However, to do that I'll need to sieve about 40 lites of compost to get all the lumps wouldn't believe the amount of crap that the manufacturers put into their bags until you separate it out.

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