Monday, May 26, 2008

Celery planted

I don't grow many celery plants as I only enter one show where there is a specific class for it but I do enter where there is a class for 'Any other Veg'.

I really piled in the well rotted horse muck into this bed in the Spring and put some sterilised soil over that so I’m hoping to get a decent entry or two this season. The plants were planted at the weekend about 12” apart and given a good drenching. Celery is a bog plant in the wild so they are very thirsty. I also scattered a handful of slug pellets as slugs love the lush hearts of a young celery plant and can help to introduce all sorts of problems such as celery heart rot. To combat the latter problem I will also feed regularly with a solution of calcium nitrate to harden up the soft centres.

I won’t collar tightly until 4 weeks or so before the show as this can induce heart rot as the plant sweats in hot weather. However, I’ll probably put a loose collar on just to induce the plant to grow upwards. I’ve never won a celery class so along with cauliflowers (my other weak point) I’m going all out to try and grow celery to the best of my capabilities this season.

1 comment:

  1. If you can get hold of it nitroform is great for celery when mixed in the bed as its a slow release nitrogen fertilizer which really does help combat heartrot. Only problem being its hard to get hold of.

    Again your celery is looking good, mine is to far behind to plant out, only have about 12 that are ready.
