Friday, May 23, 2008

Carrot conundrum

All of my long carrots are through ! I’ve never known such erratic germination in carrots (it’s taken 3 weeks) as I’ve experienced this season and it appears from chatting to them that other growers are suffering the same problem. It just shows you need to be patient in gardening as I’ve come close several times to scrapping the top layer of compost in the stations that hadn’t germinated and putting some long beetroot seeds in instead. Usually Spring Bank Holiday weekend is when I thin my long carrots down but they’re mostly far too small for that just yet. Hopefully, they’ll get a shift on and catch up and I’ll still be able to exhibit some reasonable roots come August/September.

I’ve not been able to get all my spuds in yet…..I still have a tray of Malin to set out but hope to do that this weekend in pots of sieved peat. My first potatoes (Kestrel) suffered a bit of frost damage last week (I should’ve watched the weather forecast!) but they’ll recover. So far my onions are growing away reasonably well. The biggest problem is making sure they grow upright as the weight of the leaves tends to pull them over to one side or other and if you leave them they won’t grow symmetrically. I use bent aluminium wires to support the leaves in the positions I need.

I’ve planted out one pumpkin plant cloaked in some bubble wrap until it has been acclimatised to the outside. I just couldn’t resist having another crack at growing a ‘biggie’!

This weekend I’ll be sowing another row of beetroot as well as the first of my caulis, as well as planting my gladioli corms. I’ve taken plenty of dahlia cuttings but none appear to have rooted yet. There’s a lot of hard work to do in the next few weeks but as my team are now officially the best team in Europe I shall do each and every task with a smile and a skip…..chaaaaaaaaaaampiooooooooooons! John Terry you big ponce… yourself a hard man?

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