Sunday, April 20, 2008

Large onions planted

Last weekend I got my 'large' onions in. I say that in inverted commas as I only managed to get them to a couple of pounds each last year but that was still progress on previous years when I was lucky if I got them to over a pound. I'm only growing 20 in the raised beds in my two greenhouses which have had plenty of well rotted horse manure dug into them. Prior to that I also applied some Basamid soil sterilent in the hope of killing off any remaining white rot spores which I've been plagued with for years. I did it last year and whilst it seemed to improve things I still lost about half of them. I'm hoping to get the onions harvested by the beginning of August at the very latest, as they seemed to succumb to white rot about that time last year. After planting I watered the onions well and then left them for a week before watering again as I want the roots to grow strong and search for the moisture.
The white labels you see in the photo are marking where I will plant my tomato plants during mid-May. Hopefully, the onions will have done most of their growing before the tomato plants get too big and block out the sun too much. When you have limited growing space like me you have to plan things carefully.

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