Saturday, March 29, 2008


This is where all my show veg and flowers are at thus far in the season, bearing in mind that it's still very early.

Tomato Cederico. 1st 8 seedlings recently potted on in conservatory. Another batch will be sown this weekend to cover the later shows.

Celery Morning Star. Tray pricked out a week ago and first true leaves now showing. These are also in my conservatory as it's been far too cold to put them in the greenhouse recently.

Peppers Bullhorn have just germinated in the conservatory, likewise my aubergines Black Beauty.

Large onions (bought-in plants) in greenhouse and will be planted into greenhouse borders next weekend.

Blanch leeks (also bought in) have been potted on into larger pots and a 4" pipe lagging collar applied. These are in the greenhouse and will be planted outside during mid to late April.

Shallots were planted during January in 3" pots in the greenhouse and now have decent roots and foliage. I will pot these on into 5"-6" pots where they will stay, being 'plunged' into the outside onion borders in the next couple of weeks.

Onion sets Stuttgarter Stanfield. Were planted in cell trays in the greenhouse several weeks ago and are very slow to show green leaves.

Red Baron onions. 2 trays pricked out a week ago. Greenhouse.

Parsnips Pinnacle. Chitted seeds have been placed in each 'station' in my large drums, 35 stations in all. The nights have been very cold however so I will have a nervous week or two waiting to see if they have survived.

Red cabbage Maestro. Tray of 24 pricked out 2 weeks ago. Greenhouse.

Green cabbage Globemaster. Tray of 24 pricked out yesterday. Greenhouse.

Brussel Abacus. Tray of 24 pricked out 2 weeks ago. Greenhouse.

My long carrots will hopefully get sown next weekend.
My potatoes (Winston/Kestrel/Nadine/Malin) are chitting in trays in my garage and will go in the weekend after that.
My dahlia tubers are all in boxes of peat and will be watered for the first time tomorrow to encourage new shoots for cuttings.

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