Saturday, March 01, 2008

Start sowing

At last I've managed to get the first of my seeds sown. Today I did some red cabbage (Maestro), brussel sprout (Abacus), red onion (Red Baron) and onion (Bristol). These are all in the cold greenhouse along with a pot of parsley which is needed for the enhancement of displays and baskets.

Inside I've sown a pot of Morning Star celery which, along with cauliflowers, is one of the two crops I really want to improve on this year as I've never really been able to show either to a high standard. Celery needs quite a long growing season so I've sown some seed onto some moistened compost in a pot and covered them over with vermiculite. They'll be kept warm to aid germination and should be ready for pricking out in a month or so. At that point I'll transfer them to the greenhouse by which time temperatures should have warmed up. However, I will have to keep an eye on night time weather forecasts as celery is very susceptible to frost or even low temperatures and will die very easily if allowed to get too cold.


  1. If you need any tips on celery feel free to ask, Ive always grown good celery and managed to avoid heart rot.
    I'm growing evening star and redstar this year so I'm hoping for good results again.

    I just started my own blog inspired by yourself:

  2. Hi thanks for that.

    I've always been able to grow celery without any real problems....certainly never suffered from heart rot.....but I think the problem is that I've never given them enough time 'titivating' them in the weeks before the show.

    Any tips would be gratefully received.

    And I've linked tto your blog also.All your stuff seems very well advanced and looking good.


  3. Hey thanx

    Yes celery needs constant attention and i feel is the hardest of veg to grow to a high standard.

    I normally work on mine at least once a week removing weak/cracked outer sticks to promote new growth from the center. I also get through a fair amount of slug clear.

    I'm going to post my celery method on my blog as it progresses as it took me 4 years to get decent celery so may be helpful to someone.

    Last year i grew ideal but I've finally bit the bullet and gone with the new hybrids as i cant get any weight on ideal any more. I just hope i have got the timing right as the new hybrids are much more vigorous.
