Saturday, March 15, 2008

Onions and leeks are go!

Apologies to Liam ( for nicking his photo but it shows brilliantly how to support onions during growth. They need to be kept bolt upright so that they grow symmetrically and he uses plastic clips and small canes to create a cage. It's little tricks like this that make the difference between 1st and 2nd come Show day! His onions look superb for the time of year so I'll be interested to know how he gets on.

I only collected my large onions and leeks (20 of each) from a local grower today, and immediately potted the leeks on into 1 litre square pots with a 4" pipe lagging collar as a starter. The onions are still quite small (not like Liam's) so they have a lot of growth to make up but there is plenty of time.

I've also acquired some new parsnip seed today (Pinnacle, a new F1 variety) which I've put onto some moistened kitchen towelling in a tray on my kitchen windowsill. As soon as the white root radicle pops out of the seed casing I will transfer a couple of seeds to each prepared parsnip station. That way I can save 4 or 5 weeks of waiting around wondering if they've germinated when sown directly outside. Grown this way the seeds should be showing root inside a week if kept uniformly warm and moist.

1 comment:

  1. Ive heard Pinnacle are making an impression so they should come good. I'm sticking to old faithful Gladiator and will trial a few albion when i plant my carrots.

    My onion cages are very handy i just wish i could get hold of some more. My onions have come on well since that picture and i hope the roots fill the pots before i plant out. Newly prepared beds this year so fingers crossed they come good.
