Thursday, February 21, 2008

Drums on raised sand bed

Further to yesterday's post I think it's important to show this picture. My plastic drums have the bottoms cut out so in effect they're just big tubes. If I just stood the drums straight onto the ground it would be impossible to get them to stand straight so I have metal frames about 12" high which are also filled with sand. The drums are stood on this sand so that it's an easy job to get them to stand up straight with the use of a spirit level. The sand in the metal frames means I can also get an extra 12" of length in my roots.


  1. i think that the pic of you in gn highlights your rugged features. however who is the other guy in gn.hes hot and sexy. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

  2. Rugged features?!? lol

  3. Aren't my missus and kids hilarious at times?
