Friday, December 14, 2007

I doooooooon't belieeeeeeeeeeve it !!!!!!

What the bloody hell is happening in this country? How the hell can we as a nation vote for £50million to go towards making more sodding cycle paths ? This pathetic, eco-mentalist beardy-weirdy scheme won against other far more worthy projects which were Sherwood Forest, the Eden Centre and the Black Country. I bet those jumped up nano-gits (aka traffic wardens) are rubbing their hands at how much extra money they can steal from hard-working blokes like me!

We're going to the dogs. We're not allowed to have nativity plays in our schools in case it upsets Osama Bin Bastard, we've been forced to employ a bloody Italian who can't even speak english to manage our National football side, I can't spread slug pellets on my soil in case it Mr. Sparrow and Mrs. Titwarbler are stupid enough to eat them and Alesha nearly got voted off Strictly Come Dancing last week in favour of a Welshman (bad enough!) who I suspect is ever so slightly gay!


  1. It's funny because it's true!!!

  2. There is nothing wrong with the Welsh, remember your wife has some Welsh blood!

    And there is nothing gay about him as far as I can see!
