Friday, December 21, 2007

A festering message

A (reluctant) Happy Christmas and New Year to you all and the following personal messages……..

To my fellow veg and dahlia growers…….many thanks for your support throughout the year and the camaraderie at the shows.

To all the show organisers and officials……’re the tops!

To the Lake District……….I love you!

To the Peak District………I love you!

To Crib Goch…………..I love you and can’t wait to see you again over Christmas!

To Bruce Willis………….I love you!

To Pierce Brosnan………..I love you!

To Daniel Craig………for God’s sake stop pissing about…’ll never be James Bond you sweaty, crag-faced toad. Tell them to bring Pierce back!

To my wife……………isn’t living with me just great?

To Manchester United players…….if you say you didn’t do it I believe you. Just bloody make sure you beat Everton on Sunday!

To Liverpool players…… many years is it since you won the title?

To Arsene Wenger………….thanks for screwing up the England football team you cock-faced frog.

To the Australian referee at the Rugby World Cup Final…… c*nt!

To all my colleagues who couldn’t believe it when I was made a director……..ner ner ni ner ner!

To the boys at CBC……… some f*cking work instead of reading this pathetic blog for a change!

To all traffic wardens……… afraid, be very afraid.

1 comment:

  1. Dear SmithyVeg
    Thanks for the festive shout! We read your blog because we haven't got time to write our own during work hours - unlike your good self! We're actually reading it for research into public opinion on the street wardens!
    I don't wish you a Merry Christmas!!!
    The boys at CBC
