Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Still mild

Such mild weather we're in Leicestershire we still haven't had a proper frost and my dahlias are still flowering. However, I think I'll dig them up this weekend come what may and start the storage process. I'll take some pics and post them over the weekend.

I've sourced a good supply of well-rotted cow muck and need to get that collected in the next few weeks. I'd like to get it spread on the plot by the end of the month so the worms can start to do their stuff. I'll also put a sackful to one side to soak in a barrel of water in the spring for a liquid feed for the celery, beans and peas.

All the seed catalogues have come and I've more or less decided what varieties I want to grow next year. As I said before I'm drastically reducing the selection so I don't get too bogged down growing what I term 'non-essentials' in the show world...........radish/chard/okra/turnips etc. I only grew them last year to make up a different take on the trug and basket classes.

Between now and Christmas I need to have a damned good tidy in my garage and greenhouse. I have pots/compost/tools/old seed packets etc all over the place and need to get things back to a level of normality and good organisation ready for the next season. What tends to happen as I'm running around at show time preparing different veg and loading the car is that things get thrown down where I last used them, despite my best intentions. I have a load of old Beano and Dandy books that could go on Ebay......the proceeds can go towards my seed purchases!

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