Monday, October 08, 2007

And that's it for another 12 months :o(

I had an excellent day at my last show of the season at the village of Sturton by Stow in Lincolnshire, winning two trophies for most points in the produce section for the 6th year running and also most points in the whole show for the 4th time in 6 years. My roots were not of the same quality as previous years and best exhibit in show went to a Mr. W. Croft for a superb set of parsnips.

I was particularly pleased to win the cactus dahlia class with my vase of Kenora Sunset (see pic) and also the blanch leek class (see pic). Wins in the cactus section and also the pot plant section for a flowering clivia meant I ended up with 9 wins, 14 '2nds' and 13 '3rds'. This meant I ended the season with 44 '1sts' which is my lowest tally for many years and yet in many ways my produce has been far better overall than it has ever been. This is largely down to having stiffer competition coming to my local shows from far and wide and is something I welcome. It can only be good for the overall spectacle and will make me try even harder to improve on things in future.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, Pretty nice leeks there. Do you use any artificial lighting?. Nice size considering I have seen the photo of these planted in the garden, Im presuming you don't use lights.
