Friday, September 21, 2007


I need to find some of this and get it on my garden this autumn......and it needs to be well rotted. I haven't put any cow shit on my plot now for a few years and I think it's starting to show. The soil looks tired and lacking in substance.

It's basically clay and whilst I've improved it over the years my intensive growing regime means I expect a lot of my soil. It can get very wet and cold in the spring meaning I can't sow or plant too early and it bakes hard in the summer. Things like cabbages especially have been disappointing this season simply because I think the soil runs out of steam. I plant quite close together and don't believe in watering unless I really have to. You can apply fertilisers to the soil but unless the soil is meaty and full of humus I don't think it does an awful lot of good.


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