Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Kenora Sunset

I think this yellow and red small semi-cactus dahlia is a beauty. I've been told by an experienced judge that it's not the greatest for show but I don't care as it's a real firework of a flower. My winning set of 3 fetched over £20 at Seagrave auction a few years ago so I know people like it and want it.
Whilst on the subject of dahlias many thanks to Kevin Broxholme for showing me round his allotment last night. It was certainly a sight for sore eyes and he had some truly gorgeous blooms.....especially that highly top-secret one we're not allowed to tell anyone about (nudge, nudge, wink wink!)
And if any of my kids have put that other vote on in favour of the scouse scum......it's not funny ok! I can delete these polls just as soon as I put them on if they start going against me!

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