Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Fuchsias on show

I used to grow some cracking fuchsias years ago but as I've got more into the veg they've tended to get shoved into a corner and not get the attention they deserved in recent years.
The trick is to pinch out the growing tips regularly over the spring and early summer months to create an evenly shaped compact bush (or head if growing standards). The last 'pinch' needs to be approximately 90 days before the show date although this varies slightly depending on variety. All flowers are then removed as soon as they form until about 30 days before the show date. A regular feeding regime needs adopting during the growing season with a high potash feed in the last few weeks. The things that 'do' for most fuchsias are too much direct sunlight and overwatering. A semi-shaded position and careful watering are required.
Remember to give the pot a good clean before dispaying on the bench and remove any detritus from the soil surface. Any yellowing leaves or flowers that are past their best should also be snipped off carefully. This is called 'dressing' the plant. Some shows specify a maximum pot diameter so make sure you have potted it on into too big a pot.
A class we have at Sutton Bonington Show (and which I won for the first time this season) is for 6 fuchsia blooms (minimum 2 varieties) displayed on a special board. There is a water reservoir beneath. You need to choose 6 perfect flowers with no blemishes that are as fresh as possible with no pollen dropping. Cut a long stalk as this draws up the water from the reservoir.

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