Monday, August 13, 2007

A season that promised so much.

This was supposed to be the season that convinced me I could compete against the 'big boys' at Midland and National level but it's only shown me I still have lots to learn. The pics above were taken at Malvern Show in 2003 and were totally awe-inspiring to see.

Admittedly, it's been a horrendous season and I dread to think what newcomers to veg growing must be thinking. The hot, dry Spring followed by the wet summer has been a terrible combination and this year I suffered from potato blight for the first time ever. I only hope it doesn't put them off as I can assure them you don't get many seasons like the one we've just had...thank God!

It's not all doom and leeks, onions, carrots and parsnips all seem better than usual and of course at this point I still don't know what my competitors on the local scene have.....I will only know after the first shows during Bank Holiday weekend. But having adjusted my timings for certain veg because they matured far too early last year, the lack of sunshine this year means they are weeks behind....I will be struggling to show things like tomatoes, runner beans, marrows and beetroot. Just when you think you have things cracked a new set of problems rears up to test you in a different way!

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