Thursday, August 02, 2007


This season is fast turning into a disaster. Not only have I lost my spuds and cherry tomatoes to blight but my indoor toms are now looking poorly too. And woe of all woes last night my large onions were starting to look stressed.......I thought I'd best lift them just in case it was white rot and sure enough it was. All the bases are showing varying degrees of rot and I'm not sure if I'll be able to salvage them.

My stump rooted carrots appear to have suffered an attack of willow aphid which introduces a virus that quickly causes them to collapse, and my dahlias are miles behind where they should be at this point in time.

Having said that I spoke to an old friend yesterday who has 3 brain tumours and has only a few months to live. What the hell's a bit of blight and white rot compared to that?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Simon
    yep! the good old blight has paid us a visit as well and a lot of crops lost, but in comparison to your friends circumstances it most certainly puts everything into perspective.

    best wishes and regards
