Wednesday, July 04, 2007

White rot

Me and my big gob! No sooner had I said everything in the garden was rosy than I lose one of my onions to white rot, a cucumber plant suddenly wilts and shows no sign of recovering, whitefly are spotted in the greenhouse for the first time and some unknown animal is digging in my potato bags !

The biggest concern is the onions. I noticed fluffy white mould at the base of one of the smaller onions and as soon as I applied the slightest pressure it came away from the soil in my hand, the roots having rotted to virtually nothing. The larger onions are looking fine thus far but white rot (or snot nose as some call it round here) can soon spread through your bed. The 'special' powder I applied back in February has obviously not been 100% successful so I'll need to apply more in the autumn.

The 'cu' is a mystery....but I find cu's usually are! They're fickle creatures at the best of times. I'll just have to hope my other 4 plants continue to thrive.

The whitefly in the greenhouse needs careful attention. Once they take hold your plants can soon become invested and get covered in a black mould caused by their excretions. I usually grow marigolds next to my tomato plants but this year haven't done so. So far they appear to be confined to one leaf.....hopefully a zap of pesticide did the trick.

Whatever is digging in my garden is a bloody nuisance. I think it's a fox or a badger. Anyone who thinks foxes and badger in towns and cities is good news wants shooting in the middle of their face.

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