Sunday, July 08, 2007

He's finally lost it mum !

A class at a local show for a 'plant in an unusual container' always gets me trying to think of a madcap idea. Last year I won with a hosta in a slug pellet container (geddit?) and this year I'm going for a marigold in a marigold (geddit?) Ah're probably with the kids on that one then....they looked at me gone out too!
As I write it's raining again although it's been a fine weekend and I've got loads done....but I needed to as we fly off to sunny Rhodes this coming Saturday. It's gonna be a fortnight of lying on a sunlounger wondering if my daughter and her boyfriend are really looking after my veg while I'm away. However, I reckon by the time I come back England will consist of the top 100 foot or so of Scafell Pike if this rain keeps up !!!
Everything has now been planted apart from a few trays of lettuce and caulis which will be ready for planting when I come back. Then it'll be a matter of keeping everything ticking over until the first shows at the end of August and making sure I have all the necessary paraphernalia to hand.....things such as raffia for tying onions, string for tying beetroot foliage, oasis for displaying dahlias, display boards for the Top Tray classes etc etc.
However, I have a list of jobs to do before I fly to make sure my under gardeners have a relatively easy 2 weeks babysitting my prize veg and flowers. I have to make sure all the stakes and strings are in place for my dahlias and potatoes, that my tomato feeds are at hand, that the caulis and cabbages are given a last blast of insecticide.....oh I could go on forever!

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