Friday, June 08, 2007

Progress update

Long carrots Foliage looking good and a good 8-10" long.

Stump carrots Thinned to one per station. Foliage 2" high. No problems so far (Heracles)

Parsnips Erratic growth but few problems otherwise. Sprayed against aphids twice already.

Large Onions In greenhouse......very good foliage and starting to swell.

8oz onions Planted outside and growth as usual. (var.Tasco)

Shallots About ready for lifting but size disappointing. Foliage has been poor.

Tomatoes 6 plants of 'Cedrico' in greenhouse. 2' high and 2 flower trusses. 6 smaller plants to go in this weekend.

Cherry toms 'Gardeners Delight' and 'Sungold' planted in row outside next to leek bed. 10" high no flowers yet.

Leeks Already on 18" collars and 1" dia. No problems with foliage yet.

Beetroot Successional sowings 'Pablo' from early May. Most seem to have germinated.

Cabbages 'Brigadier' looking very good. 'Kilaxy' may have succumbed to a virus as leaf edges crinkled and yellowing. Red Cabbage 'Maestro' also looking good.

Brussels 'Brilliant' starting to grow well.

Caulis Still in cells in greenhouse. Will be planted out in place of lifted shallots.

Runner beans First sowing of 'Enorma' made 2 nights ago in pots. 2nd sowing in a week or so.

French beans First sowings will be this weekend. 'The Prince' & 'Purple Speckled'

Cucumber 'Carmen' will be sown this weekend.

Marrows First sowing made last night 'Blyton Belle'

Courgettes 'Orelia' and 'One Ball' germinated in pots in greenhouse

Pumpkin Plants ready for planting

Potatoes 4 varieties 'Winston', 'Kestrel', 'Nadine', and 'Maxine' planted and through compost in varying stages. 'Amour' to plant this weekend but would have liked to have had them in at least a fortnight ago.

Peppers Planted in large pots. 'Californian Wonder' and 'Sweet Spot'

Many other veg in various stages on and around the plot.

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