Friday, June 15, 2007

First courgettes planted

I planted my first courgettes last night, the variety 'One Ball' which gives round, green fruits. I have another variety 'Orelia' to plant which are narrow, yellow fruits like Chinamen's willies !

Although these are specifically bred to be 'courgettes' in actuality if you leave them they will grow into small marrows so the idea is to pick them as soon as they are a few inches long for optimum yield. In the past I've actually exhibited 'courgettes' (and won with them) by picking small fruits of my marrow plants.

For 'show' purposes you need to select 3 (or however many the schedule asks for) and try and ensure the flower is still attached to the end. This needs to be done as near to show day as possible, certainly no more than 3 days before. You may have to pick one on the Thursday and wait until Saturday for another 2 to match. Cut with about 20mm of stalk and stage on paper plates all facing the same way.

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