Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Thinning long carrots

On the 16th April I mentioned that I'd thinned my long carrots to 2 per 'station'. This allows the strongest 2 to grow away and means you have a spare should one of them die for whatever reason.
Last weekend I reduced each pair to one only per station and the pic shows me cutting away at soil level the carrot that I don't want to keep. If you pull it out you risk disturbing the one you are leaving behind. Sand is pulled up around the remaining carrot to keep it upright. The trick is to try and leave all the remaining carrots that are as alike to each other as possible, bearing in mind that uniformity is an important criteria in the judging of show vegetables.
A scattering of slug pellets was applied also as despite the fact that they grow in coarse sand some slugs always manage to climb up the barrels and to crawl across the sand in search of a tasty morsel.
This therefore makes me laugh when I hear the organic, beardy weirdies banging on about coarse grit and eggshells etc deterring slugs......what a crock of sh*te. Don't let them put you off using pellets. They are the only things that actually work....slugs seem drawn to them as if they're under some death trance and death is they never get to your prized produce. And you'll also be told they're harmful to pets and wildlife. This is also a bag of b*ll*cks. I've never yet seen a bird chewing on a slug that has been killed by a pellet. They are just so unappetising the putrid remains will lie there festering for weeks. And if a bird did somehow decide to eat such a thing don't's probably so thick it deserves to die !

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