Monday, May 14, 2007

Sowing dates

After discussion with a couple of guys in my office I thought I ought to explain about my sowing dates. If you're growing for kitchen use only then ignore my advice.....all my sowing dates are geared to producing vegetable exhibits for the 'show season' which runs from the end of August to early October. As a result I have an absolute glut of veg all at once from which I will choose the best looking and most uniform specimens for the show bench. My wife has to freeze an awful lot of produce but we also give loads away as there's just too much for us to eat!

Most growers who grow for culinary purposes only will have already sowed their runner and french beans for example....whereas mine will not be sown for at least another fortnight.

That's not to say my veg doesn't taste good........any veg destined for the show bench should be of the utmost quality and fit for the table also. (Although, truth be known I'm not a great veg eater .....gimme a plate of dead animal any day!!!!)

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