Thursday, May 24, 2007

Onions putting on girth

The onions I bought in March are probably the best I've ever grown at this stage in their development. Planted in the greenhouse border soil, and supported by canes and metal rings the foliage is large and strong, giving hope that this will convert into large bulbs within the next couple of months. The bases of the plants are already a good inch in diameter and are getting noticeably larger each day.

The pic above shows them planted next to tomatoes and the idea is that the onions will have grown and been harvested before the tomato plants get too large. As I should soon start to feed the tomatoes with a high potash feed this will be ideal for ripening the onions also.

My one big fear is that the disease onion white rot will reappear and ruin my chances. Once it takes hold the onion can quickly wilt and when you lift it there is a fluffy mould on the bottom of the bulb. As I treated the soil with a special powder I'm hoping that I won't have this problem this year.....fingers are crossed!

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