Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Cabbages and brussels planted

I planted my cabbages and brussels at the weekend.....the varieties i'm growing are

Red cabbage - Maestro 6 plants
Green cabbage - Brigadier 8 plants and Kilaxy 6 plants
Green brussel - Brilliant 4 plants
Red brussel - Rubine 2 plants

I don't grow many as I simply haven't got the space and I grow more or less the exact amount I need per show. This means I really have to look after each plant because if one fails then I won't be able to exhibit cabbages at all the shows I want to.

Each planting hole is dusted with a liberal amount of lime to ward off club root and well watered. The base of each plant is then squirted with derris dust at soil level to kill off any of the cutworms that often nibble the stalk and cause it to collapse. Slug pellets are also scattered around the plants.

I also have to make sure I erect some form of barrier to stop pigeons from nibbling the new green leaves. They are a real nuisance in my area. In past years I've erected green netting over the entire patch but this can be awkward and hinders watering....and the cabbage white butterflies still manage to get through ! This year I've opted for tying string from post to post across the patch about 2 foot off the ground. Pigeons don't like having things above them as they cannot take off so they tend to leave you alone.....I didn't believe it either until last year when I tried it and it works! Old CD's dangling down also help to spook them and keep them away.

I shall still have to spray later in the season when the cabbage whites are around. Someone has told me that a smelly 'stew' made from rhubarb leaves watered over your cabbages and caulis deters them from laying their eggs and also acts as a liquid feed....so I'll certainly be giving that idea a go.

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