Tuesday, March 27, 2007


I bit the bullet at the weekend and scrapped all the onions and leeks that I bought in January. They just hadn't ever 'taken off' despite being cossetted and quite a few had keeled over and died. I can't put my finger on why they failed.....the ones I had from the same supplier last year were fine.

So, I went over to a guy in Derby (the same chap I get the seed potatoes from) and purchased some more and was amazed at the size and quality of them. And they were cheap too!

So I now have 20 leeks and 20 onions of a decent size that should go on to become excellent specimens for the show bench. The leeks had a pipe lagging 'collar' put over them to start drawing them and to keep them nice and straight , tied to a small cane. The onions will be planted in my newly prepared greenhouse border soil in a month or so and the leeks will go outside in early to mid May. Both beds have had a strong fungicide applied to kill off (hopefully) the onion white rot spores that have plagued me for several years.

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