Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Growing Cabbages for show

The cabbage class at most shows is fairly well supported as most people grow a row or two. But to win the class you will need to exhibit a reasonable sized, solid-hearted, matching pair with little or no sign of pest damage. After planting out your young plants in Spring and taking the usual precautions against cabbage root fly (whether it be dusting the stems at soil level with an insecticide or wrapping a carpet disc around it) then you may want to think about covering the plants completely with some heavy duty netting as shown above. This has two advantages.....first it prevents pigeons nibbling the young plants and later in the summer it helps keep off the cabbage white butterflies. However, vigilance is still required as the latter has a knack of somehow managing to get through the netting and laying the odd patch of eggs.

The netting I use was discarded from a building site and will last for many, many years.

I've also found that it helps to maintain a lovely deep green bloom as the sun doesn't seem to bleach them under their semi-shaded canopy.

On the morning of the Show cut at ground level to give a stalk at least 80mm long and snap off any old, yellowing or damaged foliage. Transport carefully to the show and display simply side-by-side on the show bench facing forwards. Try not to touch the head to spoil the 'bloom' and make sure their are no rogue slugs or caterpillars lurking amongst the foliage. The judge would not be impressed in close competition and may well use that as a reason to downpoint you.


  1. Hi Smithyveg
    I look forward to following your blog this year and all the best for an excellent year of growing and showing

  2. Hi Simon

    Nice website! I'm Norman Byatts Grandson. Just wondering if you will be able to make it this year to the Sileby Show on the 9th September! Be good to here from you!

  3. Hello Mel,

    Sorry only just seen your comment.

    All being well I shall be at Sileby. We all miss Norm....what a character!

    See you in September.

