Wednesday, October 18, 2006


For a number of years around about now I've started to feel quite depressed at the dying of another growing year........Seasonally Affected Disorder (SAD) I think they call it!

This year I've decided to approach things in a different manner and treat this as the beginning of another growing year by using the next few months to make sure all my preparations are carried out fully. In hindsight I now think my last season didn't fulfil the early promise because my preparation wasn't as thorough as it should have been and that things simply ran out of steam. I was doing my root mixes at the last minute and not enjoying the buzz of sowing things. This meant other things were rushed....notably my bean fence.......and the plot couldn't last the rigours of British weather. Consequently, I was spending valuable time repairing and fixing instead of tending to the plants' needs.

I also need to get some organic matter into my veg beds. It's been a few years since I did and have relied on fertilisers too much. When you grow so intensively and in a confined space like I do then the soil will eventually run out of steam so to speak. The late, cold Spring, hot summer and wet September certainly found out my failings in that department this year.

Pics above are ones of my garden in May this's nice to look at photos you took earlier in the year when it's so grey and dreary outside.

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