Friday, September 15, 2006

Seagrave Show 2006/Norman Byatt

The second show that I did over last weekend was at Seagrave in Leicestershire (see link to their website). It was a hugely sad occasion as the show's founder Mr Norman Byatt died on the Tuesday before the show at the age off 77. Norman was one of the most entertaining characters I have ever come across and it wasn't until his funeral on Thursday that I realised just why I liked him so much......the vicar said in his address that Norm was a Man. Utd supporting, pro-fox-hunting, staunch Conservative. I'd never known any of this before Thursday but it also describes me to a 'T'!

The show went ahead in his honour and I managed to regain the 'Smith&Byatt' Shield for most points in show, a trophy I have been fortunate enough to win on 5 previous occasions. It's also an incredibly friendly show, well contested and supported by local growers who are now coming from far afield. There may well be bigger and more 'important' shows on that day but I will always attend Seagrave because you simply have so much fun.

The after show auction conducted by Mr.Rodney Bint is now legendary. You scratch your nose at your peril for fear of bidding 20 quid on a jar of pickles! Me and the kids have been eating the cakes that we bought all week and there's still half a chocolate cake left!

Oh, and for those following the Smith/Hallam tomato challenge........I won again!

1 comment:

  1. I can't recall seeing a class for the garden shed with the biggest resident rat!
