Monday, September 25, 2006

Growing marrows for show

I usually start to get some decent marrows around about now as I grow the vines up and over some strong strings securely attached to fence posts as in one of the pics above. If you let them trail on the ground the botton side of the marrow in contact with the soil will inevitably be discloured due to the lack of all round light and probably have a few scratches and marks from stones or slugs.

Growing them the way I do means the fruit is the same colour all the way round and the judge cannot fail to be impressed. The only problem is knocking your head on them and the risk of them being blown to the floor in strong winds. The one nearest the camera is about ready for cutting (tomorrow evening hopefully) and the next one needs to catch it up to be ready for my last show in a little under 2 weeks. Hopefully it should be spot on. The variety is Blyton Belle but Table Dainty is another good one to grow.

Whilst at Malvern Autumn Show on Sunday I also couldn't fail to be impressed by the marrows in the giant classes......absolutely huge and ugly as well!

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