Friday, September 22, 2006

The big clean up !

I only now have one show left to do in early October so the next couple of weeks will be used to clean up in the veg garden. Whilst I'm running around like a headless chicken getting things ready for the shows that I do during late August/into September then foliage, pots, secateurs, string and all manner of other items are strewn around the plot, leaving it looking like a bombsite.

I pride myself on keeping my garden tidy so I hate to see it in its current state. I shall also be making copious notes about things I shall be doing differently next season. One major task will be to erect a permanent bean fence. No matter how well you do the job in the Spring with canes and string, they always seem to suffer damage from September winds and this year has been particularly bad. I've not won a single prize for runner beans this year, which is most unusual for me. In truth, I've been so obsessed with getting my tomatoes right that I've not given my other veg as much attention as in previous years and it's showed. So I've settled on a permanent location and will erect some sturdy wooden posts by concreting some metal sockets into the ground.

I will also be sorting my seed orders as the catalogues land on my doormat. I will be ordering a mixture of the tried and tested favourites as well as one or two new varieties for the 2007 season. Therefore, I need to assess my successes and failures for the 2006 season very soon.

This Sunday however, I am off to Malvern for the Midland Branch NVS Championships as part of the Malvern Autumn Show at the Three Counties Showground. However good I might think I am at growing veg for 'show' the exhibits there soon bring me down to Earth.......they are simply awe-inspiring. (See attached pics)

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