Sunday, August 06, 2006

First onions harvested

Harvested the first of my onions today. The ones in the pic are all approx 4" diameter but as you will see they are all slightly different shapes. I'm not sure I will be able to exhibit some decent ones this year as they haven't grown as well as I'd hoped. There are many more to harvest but they all need to put on a bit more girth to catch up with the harvested ones.

I've always struggled with onions. They grow in raised beds but to compete with the good onion growers you really need a polytunnel for optimum growth.

These will now be dusted in talc and wrapped in newspaper and stored away in a cool place (if one can be found in this weather!). Dusting with talc helps them to ripen evenly and I will check them every few days to make sure they are not rotting from the base which often happens to me as my soil has onion white rot in it. I've only lost a few to it this year as I drenched my soil in Jeyes fluid in the spring before planting out.

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